Hello guys, In this post i will be showing you how to check laptop battery with a multimeter. Follow these simple steps.
1. Fully charge your  laptop battery.
2. Turn off your computer and remove the battery. Look for a voltage rating printed on the battery. This will be the number to compare with your multimeter reading. Many laptops have voltages of 9.6V, 10.8V, 11.1V, 14.4V or 14.8V. Some have lower or higher ratings.
3. Look for the connector where the battery interfaces with the computer. It will be near the center of the side of the battery that faces the computer when plugged in. Roughly an inch in length, it should resemble a series of at least five very narrow, identical slots that looks a little bit like your laptop’s exhaust fan grating, except smaller. The outermost of these slots will be the positive and negative terminals of the battery.
4. Turn on your multimeter and set it to measure direct current voltage on the 20-volt scale (or anything close to 20 volts). Voltage settings are indicated by the letter “V” and direct current voltage settings are indicated by straight lines near the V, as opposed to wavy lines for alternating current.
5. Insert one prong of your multimeter into the outermost slot on one end of the battery connector. Insert the other prong of your multimeter into the other outermost slot on the connector. It doesn’t matter if you match your positives and negatives. If you get them backward, it will just change the sign of the voltage, not the actual number, and the number is what’s important. Make sure each prong is touching bare, exposed metal.
6. Observe the reading on your multimeter. A fully charged, healthy laptop battery will measure very close to the printed value on the battery.
7. Try measuring your battery’s voltage after a 60- to 80-percent discharge, to get a comparison against the full charge value. A depleted laptop battery won’t measure anything close to 0V. There will still be several volts in it. What happens is that, once the battery drops below a certain voltage, your computer automatically shuts down. This is because if the voltage drops too low the battery will become damaged. Protective circuitry in the battery will then make it impossible for you to use a dead battery.



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